The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

3782 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron (and bigoted believer in a global Jewish conspiracy) of the week – Shefers Shadow

Shefers has posted a comment on an article on this website which wins him the coveted title of Bulletin Board Moron of the week.  He is also clearly the sort of Jew hater who would have regarded The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as ideal bed-time reading for his kids.

Darren Atwater is Tom W’s best man and a director of both ShareProphets but also Everywhen, his own publishing company.  We start with Shefer’s classic and we follow that with Darren’s reply. You can see both in original in the comments section below The Sack Tom Winnifrith article HERE

The BB Moron writes:
